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Collaborative Economy

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About This Course

This course is organized for students interested in the field of business, strategy, and management studies. It is aimed at providing comprehensive knowledge on the “collaborative consumption” phenomenon, which has directly changed the mind-sets of consumers over the recent decades. In line with this, the course attempts to elaborate its historical roots, business models, drivers and its expected societal, economic, environmental and social impacts considering legal, regulatory, and public policy perspectives, providing a series of real case examples in sharing economy platforms.

The course will help professionals and students to:

  • Understand the boundaries of P2P accommodations within the context of hospitality  provision 
  • Define the concept of P2P accommodation, 
  • Understand the ways in which P2P accommodation is conceptualised and researched  within the tourism literature  
  • Discuss the interconnections between P2P accommodation and traditional accommodation 
  • Comprehend the drivers and motives of hosts’/ guests’ engagement in P2P  accommodation 
  • Distinguish the different types of P2P accommodation platforms 
  • Develop critical skills and in-depth understanding of the economic, spatial, social and  environmental impacts of P2P accommodation  
  • Understand the impact of external forces on P2P accommodation practices and anticipate  its future evolution 
  • Understand and critically discuss issues related to the sustainability and regulation of P2P  accommodation  
  • Discuss, in a critical manner, their own country’s P2P accommodation (actual or potential)  development
  • Help stakeholders in their countries and communities to map P2P accommodation in their region.

The course has been organised in such a way to allow professionals and students gradually build upon their own critical thinking and understanding of the links between P2P accommodation and “traditional” hotel accommodation and critically reflect on their own country’s P2P accommodation development and associated implications. Last, to provide a practical perspective, different case studies will be discussed.

The course was created as part of the Project Higher Education Curricula Development on the Collaborative Economy in Europe (COLECO), granted by ERASMUS+ KA203 supported by the European Commission.


Interest in new trends in economy and in the latest business models; Basic knowledge of the tourism sector – specifically accommodation –; Basic knowledge of business administration; Basic knowledge of accommodation platforms; Interest in the new sharing economy accommodation business models.

Course Staff


Dr. Cristina de Miguel
Dr. Brian Jones
Dr. Anna Pechurina
Dr. Alexandra Kenyon

Leeds Business School
Leeds Beckett University


Dr. Kosjenka Dumančić
Dr. Ivana Načinović Braje
Dr. Ana Aleksić
Dr. Anita Čeh Časni

University of Zagreb (UoZ – Sveučilište u Zagrebu)


Dr. Anna Farmaki
Dr. Alexis Saveriades

Department of Hotel and Tourism Management
Faculty of Management and Economics
Cyprus University of Technology


Dr. Carlo Giglio
Dr. Roberto Palmieri
Dr. Vincenzo Corvello

Lab. of Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship (LIME)
Dept. of Mechanical, Energy and Management Engineering
University of Calabria


Dr. María del Mar Alonso Almeida
Dr. José Miguel Rodriguez Ánton
Dr. Beatriz Narbona Reina

Autonomous University of Madrid


Prof. Berna Kirkulak-Uludag
Dr. Nilay Bicakcioglu-Peynirci

Dokuz Eylul University

Frequently Asked Questions

What web browser should I use?

The Open edX platform works best with current versions of Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Safari. See our list of supported browsers for the most up-to-date information.

How long does the course take?

This online course is based on self-study and therefore it can be adapted to different pace throughout its access period. Its content may take approximately 12 weeks with the proportional amount to working hours according to the ECTS awarded.

What is the assessment method?

Throughout the course the student will complete several tasks and exercises that will foster analysis and comprehension, and will serve as an assessment tool. The student can work on his/her own to complete them successfully thanks to the automatic correction and the possibility to repeat them. These tasks can be found after some sections and at the end of every unit.